Why I'm Running
I'm Lauren Hanson and I'm running for a seat on the Goleta Water Board because it's time for a new way of doing business at the Water District. Water is one of the most important issues of the 21st century. We need a Water District that realizes that, and I'm running to make that happen.
We all want to know that our water---this precious resource we share---is being managed wisely. My goals for the Goleta Water District (GWD) include:
Respect for the customers of the District. That means really listening to customer concerns, being open about GWD activities, budgets and plans, and welcoming customer involvement.
A water rate system that is fair and understandable to all. The GWD serves residential, agricultural and commercial customers who all want a bill that doesn't break their budgets. Rates need to encourage and reward conservation on the part of every water user. And customers need to know that by conserving, our community has water for emergencies.
Protection of our water supply. The GWD must develop much better knowledge about how much water is in the basin below us---that's our drought buffer, and it's critically important. The GWD needs to plan very carefully for greater variability in the amount of water we get from other sources. The Water District also needs to respect the strong, protective water ordinance called "SAFE," that voters put in place in the 1990s. SAFE sets strict limits on the availability of new water and requires a very prudent approach to our drought buffer.
Support for local agriculture. The GWD needs to be sure that its policies mesh with our community's strong desire to preserve our ag lands and the agricultural way of life that is part of our heritage and vitally important to our future.
The water challenges of today and tomorrow are big, interesting, complex topics that local Districts such as ours need to address and get right. My academic and work experience make me very comfortable with the responsibilities involved. I look forward to working energetically for the customers of the GWD.
If you're a voter who lives within the Goleta Water District, I would be honored to receive your vote on November 4th.

A view of Lake Cachuma, our principal reservoir